Civility and Free Speech a Rare Commodity on College Campuses
What is the purpose of a Liberal Education? I don’t know about you but I have always believed that the purpose of a liberal education is...
Ethics Education Needs to Evolve
Acting on Ethical Values the Key to Making Ethical Decisions Ethics education fails in its objective of teaching the skills necessary to...
The Ethics of our Presidential Nominating System
The Needs of the Many Outweighed by the Influence of the Few Imagine you bought a lottery ticket and won only to be told that you may not...
Is Income Inequality a 'Moral' Problem?
Free-Market Economics and the Minimum Wage Last week I blogged about the morality of raising the minimum wage. I came down on the side of...
What are Corporate Social Responsibilities to Provide a 'Living Wage'?
California's Increase in the Minimum Wage is Long Overdue California is frequently a bellwether state with respect to workplace ethics...
Are Shifting Cultural Values Creating an Entitlement Society?
Narcissism has Replaced a Work Ethic Fueled by Social Media I have previously blogged about the entitlement society that has developed in...
Character and Trust is Key to Ethical Decision-Making
Virtues Underlie Workplace Behavior Writer Robert McKee famously said "True character is revealed in the choices a human makes under...
Steve Mintz Interviewed on Business and Societal Ethics
Cal Poly Discusses Ethics with Steve Mintz aka Ethics Sage:
Is Donald Trump Right About Corporate Inversions?
Is Tax Avoidance an Ethical Issue? Last week Donald Trump used his primary night victory speech to name just a few companies that he has...
What to Make of Trump’s Cult-Like Following?
Does man make the times or do the times make the man? Have Trump’s supporters drank the Kool-Aid? It seems so to me. His followers are...