Is Income Inequality a 'Moral' Problem?
Free-Market Economics and the Minimum Wage Last week I blogged about the morality of raising the minimum wage. I came down on the side of...
What are Corporate Social Responsibilities to Provide a 'Living Wage'?
California's Increase in the Minimum Wage is Long Overdue California is frequently a bellwether state with respect to workplace ethics...
Are Shifting Cultural Values Creating an Entitlement Society?
Narcissism has Replaced a Work Ethic Fueled by Social Media I have previously blogged about the entitlement society that has developed in...
Accounting Ethics Textbook Teaches Ethical Decision Making and Values-based Action
Ethics Sage Publishes 4th Edition of Accounting Ethics Textbook Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases was...
Character and Trust is Key to Ethical Decision-Making
Virtues Underlie Workplace Behavior Writer Robert McKee famously said "True character is revealed in the choices a human makes under...
Steve Mintz Interviewed on Business and Societal Ethics
Cal Poly Discusses Ethics with Steve Mintz aka Ethics Sage:
Is Donald Trump Right About Corporate Inversions?
Is Tax Avoidance an Ethical Issue? Last week Donald Trump used his primary night victory speech to name just a few companies that he has...
What to Make of Trump’s Cult-Like Following?
Does man make the times or do the times make the man? Have Trump’s supporters drank the Kool-Aid? It seems so to me. His followers are...
Ethical Abuses of H1-B Visa Program
Corporate Responsibility Takes a Back Seat to Self-Interest Donald Trump supported H1-B visas during the Republican debate last Thursday...
The Ethics of Allowing the U.S. Government Access to Terrorist's iPhone
Do the Ends Justify the Means? By now you know that a U.S. magistrate has ordered Apple to assist the government in unlocking the iPhone...