Why Americans Distrust Politicians
Don’t Believe Anything They Say or Do In my last blog I addressed why “political ethics” is an oxymoron so I found it informative and...
Political Ethics is an Oxymoron
Public Policy Must Be Guided by Ethical Principles The International Encyclopedia of Ethics defines “political ethics” as the practice of...
Snowden and WikiLeaks at Odds on Releasing DNC Emails
An Ethical Evaluation of Actions by WikiLeaks and Snowden The New York Times reports that while both Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks may...
Kill the Messenger Syndrome and the DNC "#DemExit" refers to Sanders delegates walking out of the DNC and is an appropriate title for...
Reflections on the Murder of Cops and Killing of Black Youth
A Changing Societal Ethic is Behind Recent Tragic Events Why did it happen? Who is to blame? How can we prevent a re-occurrence? These...
Do DOJ Lawyers Need an Ethics Class?
Judge Hanen Orders a Halt to Implementation of DACA and DAPA Perhaps you have heard that U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen issued an...
The Ethics of our Presidential Nominating System
The Needs of the Many Outweighed by the Influence of the Few Imagine you bought a lottery ticket and won only to be told that you may not...
What to Make of Trump’s Cult-Like Following?
Does man make the times or do the times make the man? Have Trump’s supporters drank the Kool-Aid? It seems so to me. His followers are...
The Ethics of Allowing the U.S. Government Access to Terrorist's iPhone
Do the Ends Justify the Means? By now you know that a U.S. magistrate has ordered Apple to assist the government in unlocking the iPhone...
Republicans Engage in 'Pissing Contest' with Obama over SCOTUS Appointment
Statesmanship and Integrity MIA in Republicans' Approach to SCOTUS Nomination Once again the Republicans have shot themselves in the foot...